Getting Inked

Everything and everyone has a story. Often, these stories are expressed through ink. Here I hope to share some experiences stated through the ink of tattoos and the ink of poetic writings. Some will be personal, and some will be through the lives of others.

If you have an inked story to share, let me know ( Send in a photo and your story and I will feature it here.

Even after the ink dries, the meaning underneath runs.



First Lines

So the best place to start is the beginning. My first tattoo. Simple enough, just two small butterfiles on the ankle.

I went with a great friend of mine, who was brave enough to get the same design in the same place. We would later revisit the experience for our second tattoos, but that comes later.
At 18 years old, it was the thing to do. The art was inspired by the doodles that often occupied my time in class. Did not seem like much of a story then. Just two friends getting matching tattoos. Two butterflies for two people, with simple interchanging colors.

Yet, as it happens with most stories, I can say now how much more was behind it. It was the mark of a friendship, and the mark of time. This ink was simplicity in the midst of coming changes (leaving out all butterfly metaphors, as that was not the intention). We would of course leave for college soon. That did not seem like a big change since that would only be an hour from home. Even though we went to different schools, we were in the same city. But as most people would say, college brings change. Maybe it is because of what you experience. Maybe it is just because you get older and grow up. Either way, change comes. Ink can preserve.

We originally wanted to get this along the side of the foot, and were convinced otherwise by our artist (Dave Scearce) becasue of how easily ink fades there. Now, I am glad we listened. Every time I look at it, I smile. I remember all those things then, in that town, that shaped who I am now. We can push ourselves to move out and face the new, but the past is always there waiting to be recalled for reflection. I would not change it for anything.

...and it was an easy first tattoo. Listen when you are told that once you get one, you will get hooked on the ink.

1 comment:

Liz said...

so when I say you had a blog I didn't realize that you were writing about your tattoos and other stuff. I must say that this post got me a little misty eyed. I too love the fact that we got it on our ankle and I always smile when I look at it. Miss ya! :)