Getting Inked

Everything and everyone has a story. Often, these stories are expressed through ink. Here I hope to share some experiences stated through the ink of tattoos and the ink of poetic writings. Some will be personal, and some will be through the lives of others.

If you have an inked story to share, let me know ( Send in a photo and your story and I will feature it here.

Even after the ink dries, the meaning underneath runs.



Drawn Through Another

My second tattoo followed quickly, and started as the first. I was lucky enough to go back to my same artist (Dave Scearce) and go back with the same good friend. We both went to get ink on our lower backs. This time was different though. We chose different designs this time, and this one certainly has a different story.

I was once compared to Tinkerbell by someone to which I was pretty close at the time. He was simply referring to the saucy attitude. However, the small fairy and I have more in common. Yes, when pushed, the attitude surfaces. Yet underneath, she and I treasure what we have and the good people in our lives, and we would go to great lengths to protect them. (Read the book; much more than Disney.)

So in a sense, this guy had a better point than he thought he did. Now I think about how interesting it is to see yourself through someone else's eyes. He saw attitude. I know what lies underneath. How do we judge others, and how are we judged? Some days I want to know, others I do not. Psychology teaches us perception is reality. So what is my reality?

This tattoo also embodies impulsiveness. This ink probably had the least thought behind it, and was the closest I came to buyer's remorse. Normally I would get on the soapbox to say one should always be sure of a tattoo before getting it done. Yet, now I embrace it. Sometimes the meaning has to grow, or even mature. Even when we think there was no point to something, everything has a reason. This one helped me define a view of myself that began with the misperception of another.

Silly ass.

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