Getting Inked

Everything and everyone has a story. Often, these stories are expressed through ink. Here I hope to share some experiences stated through the ink of tattoos and the ink of poetic writings. Some will be personal, and some will be through the lives of others.

If you have an inked story to share, let me know ( Send in a photo and your story and I will feature it here.

Even after the ink dries, the meaning underneath runs.



History of the Present

The history of tattoos includes many that act as a link to one's history and heritage. Tribes and cultures around the world have used tattoos to make their mark in the world. Not all modern day tattoos uphold this tradition on the surface, but all tattoos can link to the past and help define the present.

My third tatoo in a way holds this to be true. (Again inked by Dave Scearce.) While my Irish heritage is probably in truth a small part of my lineage, it is one with which I have most connected. The Celtic cross stands for so many things that it can often be difficut to trace its history. Because of that it encompasses the ability for one to make a personal definition of the past.

This design in particular was taken from a book that credited it as a tombstone design in Clonmacnois. The lines are neverending in celtic knot fashion illustrating connectedness. Much lore surrounds the Celtic cross. The circle in the center has been fabled to be St. Patrick's attempt to combine the Christian and Pagan or Druid faiths. Regardless, the symbol is evidence of the morphing of history and has come to be what we want it to be.

Although I have never considered myself very religious, I embrace the historical and spiritual. This design is my own reminder of that, which is why it is the easiest for me to see everyday. We are connected to everything around us affecting them as they affect us. We all have purpose, and it all comes full circle. Find in what you believe. Learn from the past to find your place in the present.

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